Rioglass, the world leader in the development, production, and marketing of premium receiver tubes and concentrating mirrors for the Solar Thermal Energy market, is proud to announce its process heat system Sun2Heat® achieved a Record Breaking Optical Peak Efficiency of 74.6% for a Linear Fresnel Collector.

The performance, durability and reliability tests were conducted by The National Renewable Energy Centre of Spain (CENER) under real operation conditions outdoors in RIOGLASS’s test loop facility near Sevilla for an 8-month period.). CENER is accredited by ENAC (Spanish National Accreditation Entity) to perform solar thermal collectors performance and durability tests according to the international standard ISO 9806:2017 – “Solar energy – Solar thermal collectors – Test methods” and is a recognized testing laboratory by most Solar Keymark certification bodies (AENOR, DINCERTCO, KIWA, CERTIF) as well as by the Solar Rating & Certification Corporation (ICC-SRCC) in USA and the Saudi Standards, Metrology and Quality Organization (SASO) in KSA.
In addition to the record-breaking performance, the testing confirmed the superior level of durability of the Rioglass tempered reflectors and receiver tubes which meet or exceed the highest safety standards and are unmatched in the industry.
This record-breaking performance highlights Rioglass’s commitment of taking the necessary steps required to providing the highest performing solar thermal energy products available in the market today.
The full report is available at the Sun2heat and Rioglass web sites:
Rioglass developed the Sun2heat system in 2017 to provide a low-cost turn-key solar solution to generate process heat for the industrial applications. Improving performance is a key factor in driving down the cost of the energy produced.
Rioglass’s mission is to replace fossil fuels with cost effective, clean sources of energy meeting the needs of the next Generation assuring availability of clean and efficient energy options to power our future.