Rioglass Solar ya fabrica espejos solares en su fábrica de Mieres, Asturias, empleando electricidad renovable generada localmente. La instalación de autoconsumo fotovoltaico de 100kWp anexa a la planta de producción de espejos ha sido realizada por un equipo propio de técnicos, utilizando perfilería de aluminio fabricada por Alusín Solar también en Asturias, reduciendo la huella de carbono de la instalación.
En una primera etapa de fabricación, la electricidad fotovoltaica se empleará para calentar el vidrio plano para ser curvado y templado en un horno eléctrico. En una fase posterior, el vidrio curvado será espejado en una línea que solo consume electricidad.
Los espejos para centrales termosolares que está fabricando Rioglass Solar son los primeros fabricados con electricidad renovable procedente de una planta de autoconsumo fotovoltaico.
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Rioglass Solar pone a disposición del sector industrial su experiencia y conocimiento aportando soluciones termosolares y fotovoltaicas para reducir el consumo energético de red o de fuentes fósiles.

Publicación de archivos relacionados con la fusión de Rioglass Solar y Rioglass Solar II

Macario Fernández, presidente ejecutivo de LatemAluminium, e Ignacio García-Conde, CEO de Rioglass Solar, han rubricado en Villabrázaro (Zamora) este contrato que refuerza la voluntad de ambas compañías en su apuesta por las energías limpias y renovables.
17 de marzo de 2022.- El presidente ejecutivo de LatemAluminium, Macario Fernández, ha firmado esta mañana en Villabrázaro (Zamora) junto a Ignacio García-Conde, CEO de Rioglass Solar, el contrato mediante el cual LatemAluminium impulsa su compromiso medioambiental a través del autoconsumo fotovoltaico en sus plantas de Villadangos del Páramos (León) y en la mencionada localidad zamorana de Villabrázaro. Ambas compañías han incidido en la importancia del autoconsumo en la industria y de cómo esta práctica se va a convertir en prioritaria para el conjunto del sector en España. La rúbrica de este contrato persigue, tal y como ha reseñado Macario Fernández, la adquisición de “energía eléctrica que generará Rioglass Solar, a través de la instalación de sistemas fotovoltaicos que se distribuirán en las cubiertas”. En este aspecto, el presidente ejecutivo de LatemAluminium ha incidido en que “tenemos clara nuestra apuesta por las energías verdes en todas las fases de nuestro proceso productivo y seguimos incorporando esta tecnología que es fundamental para la descarbonización de la industria en España”.
Por su parte, desde Rioglass Solar, su CEO, Ignacio María-García Conde, ha señalado su “satisfacción” por formar parte de un “proyecto que es importantísimo en toda España en lo que se refiere a la producción de aluminio reciclado. Nos parece prioritario en el momento en el que nos encontramos poder contribuir a este tipo de iniciativas industriales que tanto interés y tantos beneficios van a traer al conjunto de la economía de nuestro país”. Así, el CEO de Rioglass Solar ha explicado que la compañía que dirige “es una sociedad con una amplia experiencia en generación y venta de energía de origen renovable enfocada en ofrecer soluciones de autoconsumo para industrias a través de la firma de contratos de venta de energía que se adaptan a las necesidades de nuestros clientes..
Economía circular
Tanto desde LatemAluminium como desde Rioglass Solar, se ha destacado que “el de LatemAluminium es un proyecto pionero en torno al aluminio verde en España” y que una de sus señas de identidad es “la circularidad”, aspecto que se ajusta completamente al cambio de modelo productivo que se está impulsando desde la Unión Europea y que, sin duda, posibilitará aumentar la competitividad de las empresas españolas en un entorno en el que la adaptación al cambio por parte de las corporaciones es fundamental.

Rioglass Solar Signs Dubai 600 MWe CSP Project Order for Both Parabolic Trough Receiver Tubes and Mirrors with Abengoa Energía and Shanghai Electric
Brussels, 15th of March 2019
The record-breaking Dubai 700 MW CSP + 250 MW PV Hybrid Project Noor Energy 1, developed by Acwa Power in close cooperation with DEWA, Shanghai Electric Group Corporation as EPC, and Abengoa Energía as solar field technology provider, will utilize the Rioglass Solar tempered mirror and solar receiver technologies.
Rioglass Solar has received the confidence of the project partners and the largest order in its history in terms of megawatt power as well as in volume of products. Rioglass Solar will deliver its high-performing PTR 90-4G receiver tubes and 8.2 Parabolic Trough mirrors based on its impressive track record and its high-quality proven product development and manufacturing capabilities. It will supply these products of all three parabolic trough CSP units, each providing 200 MWe totaling 600 MWe, for the largest Parabolic Trough CSP project in the world. When completed, the solar complex will provide clean energy to more than 320.000 homes in Dubai, while reducing carbon emissions by 1,6 million ton per year.
Leading Technology in Receivers and Mirrors
Rioglass Solar´s innovative tempered Parabolic Trough mirror technology was first introduced in 2008 and has since then convinced customers around the world for its high performance both optically as in handling and O&M perspective. More than 3,5 GWe of these mirrors are operational worldwide and have been adapted to many different trough designs.
From the technologies it acquired from Siemens and Schott, Rioglass has forged a new generation of superior quality and reliability solar absorbers. This project will reemphasize Rioglass Solar´s position in the market with this high added-value product excelling in optical efficiency, durability, bankability and low O&M cost.
The entire Rioglass Solar team is proud our products have been selected for this amazing project and the implicit trust of the project partners.
About Rioglass Solar
Awarded the CSP Today Industry Choice Award (2016) and the Technology Innovation Award twice (2011, 2013), Rioglass, headquartered in Brussels, Belgium, is an international company offering high end receiver tubes and high-precision mirrors for concentrated solar power and concentrated photovoltaic technologies, and is the world market leader for optical components in the CSP and CPV markets.
Innovation is embedded in the company’s culture. Rioglass was the first company to introduce the tempered parabolic mirrors to the market, as well as the first to commercially deploy self-standing heliostat mirror facets (with an integrated support structure). Rioglass Solar, through its acquisitions has also been at the cradle of the CSP early deployment and has taken the lead on innovation and introduction of new receiver concepts such a large aperture and molten salts receivers.
Leaning on a strong engineering experience of over 25 years in the CSP and related industries, Rioglass Solar offers the best economic solutions based on innovative designs and concepts, combined with a highly automated production capacity to deliver the most cutting edge, top performing products to its customers worldwide.
2019-03-15 Press Release Rioglass Solar Signs Dubai 600 MWe CSP Project

Rioglass, the world leader in the development, production, and marketing of premium receiver tubes and concentrating mirrors for the Solar Thermal Energy market, is proud to announce its process heat system Sun2Heat® achieved a Record Breaking Optical Peak Efficiency of 74.6% for a Linear Fresnel Collector.

The performance, durability and reliability tests were conducted by The National Renewable Energy Centre of Spain (CENER) under real operation conditions outdoors in RIOGLASS’s test loop facility near Sevilla for an 8-month period.). CENER is accredited by ENAC (Spanish National Accreditation Entity) to perform solar thermal collectors performance and durability tests according to the international standard ISO 9806:2017 – “Solar energy – Solar thermal collectors – Test methods” and is a recognized testing laboratory by most Solar Keymark certification bodies (AENOR, DINCERTCO, KIWA, CERTIF) as well as by the Solar Rating & Certification Corporation (ICC-SRCC) in USA and the Saudi Standards, Metrology and Quality Organization (SASO) in KSA.
In addition to the record-breaking performance, the testing confirmed the superior level of durability of the Rioglass tempered reflectors and receiver tubes which meet or exceed the highest safety standards and are unmatched in the industry.
This record-breaking performance highlights Rioglass’s commitment of taking the necessary steps required to providing the highest performing solar thermal energy products available in the market today.
The full report is available at the Sun2heat and Rioglass web sites:
Rioglass developed the Sun2heat system in 2017 to provide a low-cost turn-key solar solution to generate process heat for the industrial applications. Improving performance is a key factor in driving down the cost of the energy produced.
Rioglass’s mission is to replace fossil fuels with cost effective, clean sources of energy meeting the needs of the next Generation assuring availability of clean and efficient energy options to power our future.
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